Work with a Local Node
This tutorial describes how to set up a local node and use it with REMIX.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
- MetaMask: Install the MetaMask browser extension. This will allow you to interact with your local blockchain.
Install Dependencies
Follow the instructions on Installing Dependencies from the Polkadot wiki up to the "Verifying Installation" section.
Clone the Polkadot SDK Repository
Open your terminal and run the following commands to clone the Polkadot SDK repository:
git clone
Build and Run the Kitchensink Node
To build and run the Kitchensink node, use the following command inside the just-cloned repo:
RUST_LOG="error,evm=debug,sc_rpc_server=info,runtime::revive=debug" cargo run --release --bin substrate-node -- --dev
Build and Run Eth RPC Proxy
This RPC proxy translates Ethereum-compatible requests into Substrate-compatible requests.
It acts as a bridge between Ethereum tools, like MetaMask and Remix, and the Substrate-based network, enabling Ethereum applications to interact seamlessly with Substrate-based chains by interpreting Ethereum RPC calls and routing them to the appropriate Substrate functions. This way, developers can work with familiar Ethereum-based tools.
Open another terminal window and run the Eth RPC proxy from the same directory:
RUST_LOG="info,eth-rpc=debug" cargo run --release -p pallet-revive-eth-rpc -- --dev
Metamask Configuration
Import the following private key into MetaMask to access your pre-funded local account:
Connect your MetaMask wallet to a local server using the following link:
Or add it manually
- Network name: Kitchensink local
- Chain ID:
- Currency Symbol:
- Make sure that the Kitchensink Local Testnet network is selected
- Open the REMIX IDE.
- Navigate to the Deploy & Run tab. In the Environment dropdown, select Customize this list....
- Enable INJECTED PROVIDER - METAMASK in the Deploy using a Browser Extension section.
- From the Environment dropdown, select the enabled Injected Provider - MetaMask.
- Select the pre-founded local account
To compile and deploy your smart contract, refer to the Deploying Your First Contract tutorial, keeping the environment settings configured in this section.
Note: When you restart the Kitchensink node, you will need to reset the nonce in MetaMask. To do this, go to Settings -> Advanced in MetaMask and select Clear activity tab data.