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Deploy Your First Contract

This guide will walk you through deploying and interacting with contracts in REMIX.

  1. Load and Compile a Contract.

    Open the REMIX IDE. By default, REMIX provides a sample workspace. Choose a Solidity contract to compile and click the ▶️ button. Alternatively, use the Solidity Compiler tab to compile the selected contract.

    Compile contract

  2. Deploy to Westend.

    Select Westend Testnet - MetaMask environment in the Deploy & Run tab. When prompted, allow REMIX to connect to MetaMask. Your account address and balance will be displayed under the ACCOUNT section.

    Deploy contract

    Click Deploy and Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

    Confirm transaction

    Wait for the deployment to complete, as indicated in the terminal panel.

    Terminal panel

Interact with Your Deployed Contract

  1. Interact with Deployed Contracts.

    Once deployed, your contract will appear in the Deployed/Unpinned Contracts section of the Deploy & Run tab. To keep your contract visible after reloading Remix, pin it to the workspace. Pinning a contract moves it to the Pinned Contracts section, ensuring it won't disappear upon reload. When pinned, Remix will save both the contract’s address and its ABI for easy access.

    Pin contract

    You can interact with your contract by calling its methods from this section, with all transactions routed through MetaMask.

    Call contract

  2. Run Tests.

    Currently, REMIX supports JavaScript tests only. To run tests, navigate to the File Explorer and select any JavaScript test file in the tests directory.

    Test contract

    Run it by clicking the ▶️ button.

How to Interact with Already Deployed Contracts

If you need to interact with already deployed contracts, make sure to note down their addresses beforehand so you can load them later using the At Address button.

Load contract