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Generate and Deploy DApp UI with Quick DApp Plugin

The Quick DApp plugin in REMIX simplifies the process of creating and deploying decentralized applications (DApps). This tool automates the generation of a user interface (UI) for your smart contracts and facilitates quick deployment to the Surge platform.

  1. Activate the Plugin

    Open REMIX IDE and navigate to the Plugin Manager tab. Search for Quick DApp and click Activate.

  2. Select Your Contract

    Choose the smart contract you want to deploy from the Deploy & Run tab. The plugin will automatically identify your contract and generate a corresponding UI.

  3. Configure the UI

    You can customize the UI components based on the functions of your smart contract. The plugin allows you to specify which functions to expose to the user interface.

  4. Setup Surge

    # install surge
    npm install --global surge

    # create login
    surge login
  5. Deploy to Surge

    Once your UI is configured, click the Deploy button. The plugin will handle the deployment process to Surge, providing you with a public URL to access your DApp.

Connect to Your Local Filesystem

If you prefer working with contracts on your local filesystem, Remix can connect directly to it. Keep in mind that connecting to your local filesystem will switch your current workspace. If you want to keep working on contracts from your current workspace, make sure to download them first.

Download workspace

To enable seamless integration between Remix IDE and your local development environment use the remixd tool. This allows you to easily manage and edit your smart contract files directly from Remix IDE. Follow these steps to establish the connection.

  1. Install Node

    As a prerequisite install Node, e.g., using Volta (which will also install npm):

    # install Volta
    curl | bash

    # install Node
    volta install node
  2. Install REMIXD

    Install the REMIXD tool globally on your machine by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm install -g @remix-project/remixd
  3. Run REMIXD

    After installation, launch the REMIXD server by specifying the directory you want to share and the REMIX IDE URL. Replace <YOUR_DIRECTORY> with the path to your local project folder:

    remixd -s <YOUR_DIRECTORY> -u
  4. Activate REMIXD plugin in REMIX

    Go to the Plugin Manager tab. Find REMIXD, click Activate, and then select Connect to link your local directory with the IDE.

    Enable REMIXD